Call for partners: Coaching, empowerment and activation of young people from rural areas
Coaching, empowerment and activation of young people from rural areas-is a TC for youth workers.
The general purpose of this partnership activity is to support youth workers in developing skills to measure the abilities, resources and well-being of young people they work with, to counsel them for their personal and professional growth. In the long run, the goal is to create new partnerships and projects at European level and within the Erasmus + program to enable inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities, especially those in rural areas. The objectives of the project are: - Creating a space where youth workers and trainer participants explore and reflect on the role of personal development in creating opportunities, including in terms of employability, in working with young people. - Create a set of tools that can be used to stimulate and inspire young people in rural areas, promoting a space where participants can share their previous experiences. - Providing resources to create opportunities in different contexts to strengthen participants' abilities to adapt and implement the various concepts and methods learned throughout the process. - Promoting the creation of mutual support networks between associated participants, organizations and promoters, developing strategies for future projects to improve quality in youth work.
If you are interested in joining us, please send us, your PIF at, before January 10 2018, focusing your description in the mentioned topic and fill in this questionnaire.