Apel selectie 3 participanti pentru un curs de formare
Asociatia Edulifelong caută 3 participanți (lucrători de tineret, profesori, lideri de tineret sau persoane care aspiră să lucreze cu...
“Innovative Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM disciplines” 3rd LTT in Stem for All
The first day of Stem For All project meeting , entitled “Innovative Curriculum and pedagogy in STEM disciplines” started with a short...
Social Entrepreneurship Training
The training course „Social Entrepreneurship Training 2“took place in Uzana, an area near the city of Gabrovo, Bulgaria. 38 youth workers...
Asociatia Edulifelong hosted a training for trainers
From 4th to 8th September 2018 in Targu Jiu, Romania, Asociatia Edulifelong hosted trainers from Norway, Great Britain, Turkey, Spain and...