Closing meeting for the FINCH project
On March 7th 2022 our final transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ FINCH project, started at Villa Fernandes in Portici. This last...
LEAD- A new Erasmus+ KA210-ADU project approved
Asociatia Edulifelong, always involved in innovative ventures, is proud to announce its commitment in a new Erasmus+ project titled...
Kick-off meeting for EARS in Ferrara, Italy
The Kick-off meeting of project the Erasmus+ project EARS took place in Ferrara, Italy from 24 to 25 March. The European Project EARS...
2nd Transnational Project Meeting of With a little help... Erasmus+ Project
On Monday 14 February and Tuesday 15 February 2022, the 3rd Transnational project meeting of the Erasmus+ project "With a little help..."...
New inclusion strategies!
Within the "Far Beyond the Barriers" project, we will aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong...
#EARS project- 1st online Pre Kick-off meeting
The 1st online pre Kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+project #EARS (Educational Agreement as a Response to School Dropout), was held on...