"Secure Internet Real Freedom"-students exchange in Ukmerge
Asociația Edulifelong is a partner in the Erasmus + project "Secure Internet, Real Freedom", ref nr 2019-1-HU01-KA201-061212. From 9th...
Studiu despre siguranța pe internet
Echipa de proiect „Internet sigur, libertate reală” a Asociatiei Edulifelong va pregăti un studiu privind siguranța copiilor pe Internet....
RESET- LTTA in Naples, Italy
Although most of the classrooms are equipped with digital education tools and smart boards are used, does not mean that a digital...
Multiplier event for FiNCH project
On the 15th of April 2022, the multiplier event for the Erasmus + Familiy INvolvement in CHildren’s early education and care, ref nr...
Future Classrooms' Leadership- Kick off meeting was held in Pułtusk
The 1st transnational meeting of the FCL-Future Classrooms Leadership project, financed by the Polish Education System Development Fund...
Kick off metting for our "M@thgan" Project
This weekend, from 9th to 10th of April 2022, we had our face to face kick off meeting for our latest Erasmus+ Project "M@thgan",...