The STEP-UP Seminar has ended
We've finished the last two days of work... We tried to prepare the booklet with tips for trainers and we worked on partnership,...
STEP-UP Magazine updates
Did you enjoyed the weekend? Did you rested in bed? We didn't: we have worked hard, but enjoyed the activities designed by the trainers...
STEP-UP Magazine
We thought it would be great to share what our colleagues are doing in Poland. Check out the first two pages of the magazine to get an...
Inepem anul 2018 cu un seminar pentru formatori
Seminarul pentru formatori, STEP-UP, finantat prin Programului Erasmus+ a început in 4 ianuarie şi va dura sase zile. 6 dintre trainerii...
2017, un an minunat plin de oportunitati
2017 s-a terminat! Speram ca anul 2017 a fost bun pentru voi, asa cum a fost pentru noi: 3 noi parteneriate strategice, 3 schimburi de...
Call for partners: Coaching, empowerment and activation of young people from rural areas
Coaching, empowerment and activation of young people from rural areas-is a TC for youth workers. The general purpose of this partnership...